*please note these are draft protocols and are subject to change
Step 1: Before you return to FUNdamental Swimming: Register with Swim South Africa
- All our swimmers are mandated by government to be registered with Swim South Africa (SSA)
- Please click here to register (this is mandatory and there is no cost)
- Select the option for Swim School Learner (Learn to Swim)
- The venue code for FUNdamental Swimming at the Quadrant is WCCT062
- Please be assured that ALL data included in this registration process will only be accessed by the government approved SSA Compliance Offer
- Once you have received your permit please send it to Jackie
Step 2: FUNdamental Swimming: Required Information
- Times have changed (to say the least) and we require your updated information and a new waiver to be signed
- Please click here to read and fill in the updated required information for FUNdamental Swimming
Step 3: Finding a suitable slot
- Email admin@fundamentalswimming.com and let Jackie know the time and day your child swam in Term 1, 2020
- Your child is likely to swim at around the same time slot as Term 1, 2020
- Depending on numbers, our 30 minute groups will likely be split into 2 groups of 4 swimmers with a teaching ratio of 1:4 and strict social distancing
- Depending on numbers, our 45 minute groups will likely be up to 12 swimmers max with social distancing practised inside the lanes with a teaching ratio of 1:4 – 1:6
- We will also be offering PRIVATE sessions during the mid-morning for children and adults who are available during that time. Please email us if you are interested in a private or shared private session
- Prices will remain the same as Term 1, 2020
- Term dates are still to be confirmed
Step 4: Protocol for each week
- Before each lesson (prior to entering the facility) all parents are required to fill in an online health check on behalf of their children
- We understand this might feel like a hassle, but this is a mandatory requirement from govt
- Click here to complete the daily health check questionnaire (to be filled out before each and every lesson)
- Please note: if you do not fill this in your child will not be allowed to enter the facility
Step 5: Arriving at the Quadrant
- We will no longer be offering the drop and go service
- Parents of younger children are requested to park and escort their children into the facility
- Only one escort per child will be permitted to enter the facility
- Parents of older children are welcome to drop their children off at the entrance to the facility
- Please note that all drop and go is at the parents’ risk
- Swimmers are required to arrive already dressed in their swim suits (changing rooms will not be available during this time as we are not able to monitor and sufficiently clean them)
- Please ensure you arrive no more than 5 minutes early
- Early arrivals will not be granted access to the gym until the lesson begins
- Lesson slots are 13h15, 13h45, 14h15, 15h00, 15h45, 16h30, 17h15, 18h00
- Please arrive no more than 5 minutes before these times listed above
- Masks should be worn up upon arrival right up to the pool lesson beginning
- Teachers will meet swimmers at the doors and do the following:
- perform a temperature check on each swimmer
- dispense hand sanitizer to each swimmer
- check the online health questionnaire has been completed
- remind swimmers of the social distancing and health/safety rules
Step 6: Leaving the Quadrant
- Swimmers will put on their warm clothing over their costumes
- Swimmers will then wait at the designated areas where they can see their parents arriving through the glass
- Please ensure you have explained carefully to your child what your particular pick up arrangement is
What to bring:
- a mask (plus a spare)
- a marked water bottle
- personal hand sanitizer
- costume, cap and goggles that definitely fit (we will no longer be supplying these as spare items)
- a waterproof container inside which your child’s bag can be placed on the shelves and on the floor
- a small bath mat to stand on before and after swimming
- warm clothing to put on over a swimming costume upon arrival and return (we suggest deck goats, tracksuits or onesies)
- a Ziploc bag with the swimmer’s name in permanent marker (this is for personal items)
- personal flippers that fit (this is very NB – please ensure you buy these in advance)
- a small pool noodle (take a long noodle and cut it down to 30cm length)
- Only urgent communication will be possible between parents and teachers. Any other issues requiring our attention can be directed to Jackie admin@fundamentalswimming.com
Thank you: We thank you for your patience and co-operation during this difficult time. We believe that by approaching this new phase with calm and understanding we will be able to get through and be able to provide a healthy and happy space for our swimmers.