Introducing COVID Clusters… We are beyond thrilled to announce that we are now legally allowed to operate from the Quadrant Complex. Start date expected in the next two weeks! Please keep checking emails for updates and confirmations.

We will be doing things slightly differently for the next few months. Please read carefully:

  • For those of you who have already confirmed time and day, you can assume that will stay as has been recently discussed. Jackie will however send a final confirmation. 
  • Now that our re-opening is becoming a reality, please let us know if you are keen to return to a small group at roughly the same time as when we left off. 
  • We will also continue to offer private and shared private lessons (as we have done in the past), so let us know if you’re keen on a private or shared-private slot.
  • In addition to our private, shared privates and small groups, we are now offering the option for friends and family to form a “Covid Cluster” of up to 4 swimmers.
  • A Covid Cluster is a self-organized group comprised of a family or friends of roughly the same level who have already been spending time together.
  • An example of a Covid Cluster could be Mom and 2 daughters or your son Jude and his 3 school friends.
  • Covid Clusters will have their own teacher and their own space in the pool.
  • If you’re interested in making your own Covid Cluster, just email Jax with your availability of time and day and we will see where we can slot you in.
  • We will be offering more options during the day, so private lessons and Covid Clusters are welcome to sign up in mornings, mid mornings and afternoons.
Categories: Uncategorized


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