The following end of term summary contains information for all our swimmers who are either in the Technical Programme or the Fitness Programme. You are welcome to read ahead and click on the programme that is relevant to you. Please make note of the important dates.

Please take a moment to fill out and confirm you have read our terms and conditions. All swimmers (both new and current) are required to fill out this form before commencing with Term 3. Please click HERE and remember to come back to this post for all the other information relevant to the upcoming term.


The following information relates only to children who are swimming for 30 or 45 minutes.

TECHNICAL PROGRAMME: Improvements Competition

Congratulations to the Most Improved in Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Crawl.

Congratulations to MOST IMPROVED in ALL STROKES

Please click HERE for a breakdown of how the Timing Weeks/Improvements Competition Works.

We highly recommend swimmers continue with the Technical Programme in Term 3. We have virtually no pool time in the summer terms (Term 4 & Term 1), so we really do try and make the most of the winter terms where the pool availability is plentiful.

If your little swimmer tends to get cold, we highly recommend wearing a thin wetsuit (even 1mm helps). Please contact us to find out more.

We will run the Term 3 Technical Programme from Mon 17th July – Fri 29th Sep 2023. We will not be swimming on Public Holidays: 9th Aug & 25th Sep. Please diarize these dates now.


The following information pertains to those swimming for 60 mins in the fitness sessions. The FITNESS Programme will continue with the regular schedule until Friday 30th June. Please note from 3rd July – 14th July we will be following an adapted Holiday Schedule.

We re-commence with Term 3 on Monday 17th July.

Please let Jax know how many times/week you are interested in joining us for Term 3. You will be invoiced pro-rata onwards from the date in July that you commence.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have (other than questions about dates)!

Please don’t forget to fill out this google form for our records.

Categories: Uncategorized


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