Term 4 2023 Overall Winners


Please see general SCS information below. You can complete the REQUIRED Form here.


  • Parking is available in the suburbs around St Cyprian’s.
  • The Belmont entrance is the most convenient as it’s just a short walk up the hill to the Aquatic Centre.
  • Parking is not available on the school grounds.
  • If you are dropping off a swimmer you may use the Drop and Go system.
  • We beg your patience and co-operation with the security staff at St Cyprian’s. They are there to make the parking and traffic flow work for everyone.
  • Please notify au pairs and grandparents and anyone lifting your child of the parking situation.


  • The pool deck is our Classroom. If you are interested in watching lessons, please make use of the black chairs situated outside the pool area.
  • Please be mindful. The Aquatic Centre is noisier than you can possibly imagine, which can make teaching challenging. If you do wait around the pool area, please limit the noise and chit chat.
  • The school has a policy of no parents on deck. This is to limit the noise and distractions around the pool and in the stands. We are able to provide a better service without any unnecessary distractions.
  • Please notify au pairs and grandparents and anyone lifting your child of the pool deck situation.


  • Please bear in mind that St Cyprian’s is a school environment with the sort of rules and respectful behaviour that usually applies to school venues.
  • We ask that you arrive and leave the venue fully dressed. The school is actively encouraging the school girls to dress appropriately when coming and going from sports practices, hence they require the same sort of dress code from outside users.
  • Male swimmers may use changeroom No.3. Female swimmers can use changeroom No. 1, 2 & 4.
  • Please do not get changed on the pool deck.
  • Please notify au pairs and grandparents and anyone lifting your child of the appropriate etiquette.


  • Payment is for the Technical Programme is upfront for the term (usually 9-11 weeks).
  • Payment for the Fitness Programme is upfront for the term (broken down monthly)
  • Missed lessons are not carried forward as credit.
  • Missed lessons can be made up if/where possible and by prior arrangement with Jax.
  • One month written notice is required for cancellation of sessions.


We would like to improve our media presence and build our photo gallery in order to share with our FUNdamental Swimming community the latest news and happenings.

Please let us know if you do not consent to the use of your or your child’s image/video footage being used on our website or social media platforms.